Caring Community

By Nancy Mattes, Director, Social Prosperity Wood Buffalo

At the recent launch of Paul Born’s new book, “Deepening Community: Finding Joy Together in Chaotic Times,” long-standing regional chair Ken Seiling told the audience that one of the reasons Waterloo Region is known as a great place for people to live, work and raise a family is because people in this community genuinely care about each other.

That fundamental driver of community is also at the heart of an initiative that is taking place in Wood Buffalo, Alberta.  A group of local leaders from very different fields are working with the Canadian Index of Wellbeing to conduct a Community Wellbeing Survey.  The survey will gather important information about how residents are doing in terms of their quality of life.  Are they happy, healthy and able to reach their full potential?  What’s getting in the way and how can we work together to improve the quality of life for all?

While some residents feel like they are being asked to do too many surveys, everyone who receives the “Look into Wood Buffalo” Community Wellbeing Survey should take the time to fill it out.  This survey will generate baseline data on wellbeing that will make it a lot easier for decision-makers to address the complex social problems that are affecting the quality of life for residents.

The survey is also the start of a broader strategy to develop a shared measurement system in Wood Buffalo.  When everyone (government, industry, and social benefit organizations) collaborates towards a common agenda and shared vision for change, they can achieve greater collective impact. They will be able to move the needle on persistent social issues like homelessness, family violence and poverty.

So if your household receives an invitation in the mail, please fill it out.  Show that you care about your community, your neighbours and your family.  Together, we can build a vibrant community where everyone thrives and succeeds in life.